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Are you ready for your Next Phase?selected
Harness the short midlife window of opportunity! 
Make small but powerful lifestyle changes NOW that will transform your future health.
To be strong, well, and independent as we age, doing all the things that bring you joy and meaning in life
...that is our aim in the Next Phase.
Are you ready for your Next Phase?selected

Harness the short midlife window of opportunity!  

Make small but powerful lifestyle changes NOW that will transform your future health.

To be strong, well, and independent as we age, doing all the things that bring you joy and meaning in life

...that is our aim in the Next Phase.


Like lots of women in midlife and most of my clients, you’re exhausted, busy, juggling lots of balls …


You’re fatigued, not sleeping, or just don’t have the same levels of energy anymore, and you’re using caffeine and sugar to prop you up.

You’re finding that what used to keep you feeling good and pretty fit doesn’t work anymore, and the spare tyre of ‘middle aged spread’ has shown up and is growing by the day

Your libido is on the slide, or has long since left the building, and you’re feeling disconnected from yourself .. and everyone else around you.

And you’re arriving at the end of yet another busy day, nothing left in the tank, and collapsing on the lounge with a glass of vino or a block of chocolate in hand “to relax” 

… and a vague hope that “maybe next week, I’ll start that health kick”.



And whilst you’re pretty good at taking care of everyone else, you are not making space to take care of yourself.

You KNOW you have to start taking care of yourself

but all the conflicting information out there gets so confusing, and the thought of trying another blinking fad diet makes you cringe.

 And above all else, when you’re juggling so many balls, and your energy is at a new low

 you don’t want be told the same old, same old “just eat less, and move more and you’ll feel better” or “do 150 minutes of movement each week and you’ll be fine” 

… and you suspect that this advice won’t make any real difference in this whole new territory of midlife anyway!


Just like most of my midlife patients, you want to feel better right now, and also know that you’re doing what you can for your future health too! 
  • You want to cut through all the competing health "noise". 

  • You want simple, targeted, easy-to-implement health advice you can actually fit into your life.

  • You want advice from real, grounded experts who are midlife-informed and knowledgeable (not just pushing the latest ill-informed health “craze”)

  • And more than anything you want to know how to stay strong, independent and engaged in all the things that bring you meaning and joy. 

Imagine if...

  • Looking after your own needs was as natural as looking after everyone else's
  • You knew exactly which lifestyle factors were the top health priorities for investing your precious time
  • You could give up "dieting" for life, yet actually feel better about yourself
  • You were active every day without it seeming like a chore... in fact, you enjoy it!
  • You could be the best version of yourself at every age rather than mourning your youth

The fact is, if you were born with ovaries then you will experience menopause sooner or later (if you haven't already).


This triggers a cascade of changes in your body which increase your likelihood of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia, but these diseases are preventable, and NOW is your time to adopt some small but powerful lifestyle changes to help avoid them.

I KNOW it's so easy to think "I will do something someday when I have more time" to improve your health and wellbeing. 

AND YES, midlife is likely a time when you are juggling a LOT of balls, so it can be easy to put yourself way down the list (speaking from personal experience).


But if your FUTURE SELF was in front of you right now, here's what she would tell you...


RIGHT NOW - in midlife and post menopause - we have a very short window of opportunity.


If you are over 40, or even younger if you've had a premature menopause, then NOW is the time when the smallest of actions will be most powerful to achieve optimal health in your Next Phase of life.

The facts are undeniable. A decline in our protective oestrogen in midlife contributes to rising health risks, including:

  • Bone and muscle loss accelerate around menopause... and up to one quarter of women who fracture a hip over the age of 50 die in the following 12 months. 
  • Women who experience an especially early menopause are twice as likely to develop heart disease compared to other women their age... and one third of women die from cardiovascular events that are largely preventable.
  • It's also estimated that over 421,000 Australians live with dementia, which causes one third of all female deaths... also LARGELY PREVENTABLE!


Hi, I'm Dr Kelly Teagle, Menopause Expert

I was blindsided by menopause, so I know where you're coming from!


After experiencing a super-early menopause myself (at age 42) I upskilled, became an expert in menopause care and founded WellFemme: a Telehealth menopause clinic, providing evidence-based menopause information and treatment to midlife women.

My personal passion is helping midlife women recognise that midlife is a unique opportunity for preventing chronic disease in their Next Phase of life.

Which is exactly why after years of development, I am super-proud to bring to life the Next Phase program. 

I've gathered midlife health experts from various disciplines to share proven strategies that are designed to fit in with your busy life. 


We're here to help you become the best possible Future - You.


Strong, independent, engaged and enjoying all the things that bring joy and meaning to your life!

Hi, I'm Dr Kelly Teagle, Menopause Expert

I was blindsided by menopause, so I know where you're coming from!


 After experiencing a super-early menopause myself (at age 42) I upskilled, became an expert in menopause care and founded WellFemme: a Telehealth menopause clinic providing evidence-based menopause information and treatment to midlife women.

My personal passion is helping midlife women recognise that midlife is a unique opportunity for preventing chronic disease in their Next Phase of life.

Which is exactly why after years of development, I am super-proud to bring to life the Next Phase program. 

I've gathered midlife health experts from various disciplines to share proven strategies that are designed to fit in with your busy life. 


We're here to help you become the best possible Future - You.


Strong, independent, engaged and enjoying all the things that bring joy and meaning to your life!







Next Phase has been designed to help you grab hold of this short window of midlife opportunity and make small but powerful lifestyle changes that change the trajectory of your health you have the best chance of STAYING strong, well, independent and engaged as you age and you can KEEP DOING the things that bring you joy and meaning!

To have any real chance for meaningful change, midlife women need to "give themselves permission" to prioritise their own needs for a change (even if it's just for a few minutes a day).


The Next Phase program is designed to

Educate, Support and Empower

peri and menopausal people - just like you - who just want to know the simple, sustainable keys to improving health in midlife and beyond.

 The program includes:


From our Panel of Health Experts

Cut through the health noise with simple and straightforward advice. Course materials are presented in a variety of formats to suit each participant's individual needs including educational videos and supporting resources delivered over 10 modules.


Personal Support and Accountability

Consult with a personal coach to progress your goals one-on-one (with optional add-on sessions), and receive support through the Next Phase online community plus regular small-group Meetups with your new Next Phase BFFs to help build connectedness.


Plan and Practise Positive Changes

With a dedicated workbook for each module; questionnaires and journals to help you identify your health priorities and plan and implement sustainable changes; plus tracking tools and diaries to monitor behaviours and progress.


We often tend to reject or delay the realities of ageing and don't look after ourselves as well as we'd like.

And despite what you may have heard, there is no quick fix for that.


That’s why Next Phase provides longer-term program access and expert support 
(because no matter what they tell you, there is no "hit and run" health course around that will magically transform your life). 


Here you’ll have the time you need to process key information
(at your own pace, one that fits with your many midlife commitments, yet still provides a framework for making positive change).  


And you'll have space to lean in to the support of our Next Phase team, coaching and Community. 
(so you can problem-solve any "life stuff" that crops up that could send you back to the bottom of the priority list again) 


Gradually the education, the support and the empowerment that Next Phase provides- and the little healthy choices you make every day as a result- will become ingrained


... and you can say “Hello” to a stronger, independent, more engaged version of you - in midlife and beyond!

What will you invest  NOW for Future-You?

How about the price of a couple of fancy coffees a week for simple, effective and easy-to-implement advice, specifically targeted to YOUR future health.
That's a big "win-win-win!" for your life, health and pocket.

What topics will be covered during the Program? 

We know you are time poor, so Next Phase is custom designed to include a series of modules, each focussing on one key area that will positively influence your ability to stay strong, independent and engaged in midlife and beyond. 


Prep for Success

This is your O-week! It’s time to take a look around Next Phase HQ, meet your personal coach and cheerleaders and get your Future Health foundations all set. Learn the menopausal health basics, assess your current health status and set your priorities and specific goals so you can get the most out of your Next Phase Program.



It’s time to take an energy stocktake, learn all about “energy vampires” that can drain your midlife energy, and how to improve sleep, harness your metabolism and take care of gut health - so you can stop feeling so flat and get that motor running more efficiently.



This module is all about overcoming the psychological barriers which keep us stuck, how to be active in a way you enjoy and tick off  the different forms of movement critical to long term health. Learn ways to support and build bone and muscle through nutrition, so you can protect your mobility, strength and function.



We dive into healthy postmenopausal nutrition including macronutrients, gut health and maintaining the healthy bacteria which help us get the most out of our food. Learn how the psychological relationship between food and body image impacts our wellbeing, so you can use food as fuel rather than a tool to check out or numb. 


Weight Management

It’s time to dive into the topic on everyone's hips! We cover the hormonal influence on body composition and get clear on the health risk reality of being over- or under-weight. You’ll also learn the real reason diets don't work and delve into your personal attitudes & beliefs around weight.


Matters of the heart

This module examines the #1 lady-killer: cardiovascular disease. Learn to identify your cardiovascular risk factors, the signs of heart attack or stroke in women and how to reduce diabetes and cholesterol through food. Plus we cover relationships and social connection in overall wellbeing, so you can do all you can to keep your heart holistically healthy + happy.


The Noggin (Mental & Brain Health)

It’s time to understand the ways ageing and hormones affect our brain and mood, and what can be “normal ageing” versus disease processes like dementia. We also cover  the relationship between diet, exercise and mental health, and exactly how to reducing your own risk of cognitive decline and dementia, so you stay on top of your mental game and totally engage even as you age


Girly bits

We dive into sexual health, urinary issues, pelvic floor, prolapse and bowel health, and tips on discussing and seeking help for these sometimes-sensitive issues with your own health professionals. If you’ve been planning every outing around the location of loo or your libido - like Elvis - had left the building, this one is especially for you.



Learn how to improve and maintain physical and mental strength, including how to harness the huge benefits of strength training, and the best activities, diet and medical treatments for bone density. We also cover building psychological strength and resilience and how our perceptions of ageing impact, so you can stay strong - mind, body and soul!


Onwards and Upwards

Finally, we bring it all home with our wrap-up module, reflect on how your knowledge, attitudes and actions have evolved, and make plans to keep up the momentum on the positive changes we’ve put in place. You’ll have a chance to revisit your original goals for the program, celebrate your achievements and accept or reframe any ongoing challenges.



Suggested movement and nutritional strategies...

you choose what seems right for you, this is NOT a rigid or restrictive program and


A “zero to hero” 10-stage movement program

including all the crucial activity types for good post-menopausal health, suitable for all fitness levels

By harnessing the opportunity that menopause presents to tweak a few lifestyle habits, we can dramatically improve health and wellbeing in older age and reduce the burden of chronic disease! 



Next Phase Founder and Menopause Expert Dr Kelly Teagle is joined by an expert panel including:

Thea is a senior workplace wellbeing advisor, speaker and coach. She helps leaders, teams and individuals improve their workplace engagement and effectiveness through body intelligence and better health.

Thea is committed to rehumanising our work ethic so it is fashioned around human biological rhythms rather than around machines. She is a Naptivist, promoting the powernap as the new coffee break. As Founder of Menopause at Work® Asia Pacific, Thea promotes a life stage approach to worker wellbeing, so different stages of the life cycle, such as menopause, can be accommodated.
Kirra is the owner and innovator of Capital Hydrotherapy and Exercise Physiology in Canberra. Kirra is a Rehabilitation Exercise Physiologist; accredited through Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA); with additional qualifications in massage therapy, Track & Field middle distance coaching (Level II), Pilates and Vagus Nerve Trauma Awareness Training.
Kirra loves being creative with her exercise programming, and enjoys thinking outside the box—making the impossible, possible. “Everyone should have a chance to move, at any stage in their life. No matter the complex boundaries or obstacles they face. Some form of movement is always better than none”.
Anja is a dedicated menopause coach and personal trainer with extensive knowledge and experience in both fields. She is committed to helping women navigate the physical, emotional, and mental changes that accompany menopause, while also guiding them towards achieving their fitness goals.
Recognising that menopause can be a challenging and transformative time for women, Anja combines her expertise as a personal trainer with specialised knowledge in menopause coaching, helping women navigate the unique challenges of menopause, such as weight gain, muscle loss, mood swings, and decreased energy levels.
Eleni, our Next Phase Dietician, is a private practice Dietitian at Tree of Life Nutrition in Brisbane, and has over 10 years’ experience in the industry.
Eleni avoids fad diets and trends, instead promoting good, wholesome eating tailored to each person’s needs to create sustainable nutrition choices. Her special interests include cardiovascular disease, weight management, diabetes management, gut health, metabolic syndrome, and applying the Mediterranean Diet.

I've helped thousands of women through their menopausal transition.   Medication can help with the symptoms, but the hidden changes of menopause are what really impact your health and longevity thereafter.

This motivated me to create Next Phase, a unique program that doesn't just inform; it connects, supports and empowers women to make targeted sustainable lifestyle changes.


-Dr Kelly Teagle

When you join us, you'll also receive 


Personal Coaching

Your personal coach can help convert your learning into individualised and achievable goals… and support you to achieve them!

Regular Small Group Meetups

You'll meet other midlife women around the country, with regular meetings for mutual support and encouragement.

Access to Community

Our online Community is the portal to additional information and support, through exclusive posts, livestreams and interaction with other members.


In 10, 20 or 30 years- will you be functioning well and still doing all the things that give your life meaning?


Or will you be limited by chronic disease, pain or social isolation?   


Choose life, for the rest of your life.

Join us for Next Phase; grab hold of this midlife window of opportunity and make small yet meaningful lifestyle changes now, while you're still young enough for it to make a big impact!

What will you invest  NOW for Future-You? 

How about the price of a couple of fancy coffees a week for simple, effective and easy to implement advice, specifically targeted to YOUR future health.

That's a big "win-win-win!" for your life, health and pocket.



For 6 months' access to Next Phase, including:

  • Video, audio, written material and resources to suit every learning style
  • Personal Pre-program goal-setting session with an online personal coach
  • Beautiful hard copy workbooks delivered to your door, so you have a physical reminder and record of your health journey
  • A huge array of tracking tools, diaries and everything else you need to actually put positive change into place


  • Online community support with regular expert livestreams and Q&A sessions
  • A “zero to hero” 10-stage movement program covering all the crucial activity types for good post-menopausal health and
  • A selection of bespoke resources, offers and livestreams only available to course participants
Click "BUY NOW" and choose from
  • PAY IN FULL for just $330 


And we will see you on the inside!


In case you were wondering...