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We'd all love to think that we will STAY FIT and STRONG as we age, but midlife brings increased health risks with it as our ovaries stop producing eggs and oestrogen and other hormones decline. 

To maintain health as we age we must recognise that midlife is a both a WINDOW OF RISK and a WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY.

Rising health risks like heart disease, osteoporosis and dementia can significantly impact our future health and wellbeing, BUT if we know these risks we can take small actions now which add up to big improvements down track. That's real "bang for buck" for your health!


Keep scrolling down to take our 2-minute 'Future Health Forecast' Quiz to check your likelihood of staying STRONG, HEALTHY AND INDEPENDENT as you age, so you can... 

  • keep up with the grandkids
  • head off on grand new adventures 
  • stay vital and mobile,

...and KEEP DOING all the things that bring JOY and MEANING to your life!

[Enter your email address at the end to receive the results straight to your inbox!]